Monday, August 31, 2009

One Week Down

Caleb survived his first week of First Grade. The first day he came home exhausted. After 2 1/2 hours of Kindergarten, than Summer break, a whole day of school is a little overwhelming. He loves his new teacher, Miss Hellewell. Kayden and Elizabeth come with me in the morning to drop Caleb off at school. Kayden insists on bringing his backpack with him every morning. Poor Kayden has cried a couple of times and thrown a flat out tantrum other times because he wants to stay with Caleb and go to school so bad. He still has two more years before he starts Kindergarten. Hopefully Kayden and Elizabeth will become friends and entertain each other.


Jill Stones said...

Cute pictures! The younger one always has a problem, but close to the end of the year they mellow out. Seriously it took that long:) Good luck with the whole brother sister friendship, ours is boss over the younger....

Matt and Elisa said...

Poor Kayden. He's lucky you spend time with him and have school at home.