Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Six Years & Two Teeth

Caleb turned 6 years old on July 18th. We took him and the kids to the Roy Aquatic Center to celebrate. The kids loved it. Caleb was spoiled with lots of new presents from our family. Our home is being taken over by Transformers!

Happy Birthday Caleb!!

Caleb has been envious of all his classmates since they started losing teeth and he wasn't. When a new tooth finally started coming in, it didn't loosen the baby tooth enough to make it fall out since it was coming in behind the baby tooth. So.....yesterday Caleb went to the dentist and had two teeth pulled. He was so brave. He didn't even use the laughing gas they offered. I think it was harder for mom than Caleb.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Our family actually had a family vacation this year!! Every other year my Grandma Lee's siblings and everyone on down gets together for a family reunion in Oregon. For the first time in over 30 years we went to a new location because of repairs at the usual lodge. Camp Elkanah, the new place, was quite the upgrade. The kids really enjoyed themselves. There was so much to keep them entertained. They loved the little playground with slide, monkey bars, tire swings and regular swings. There was also miniature golf, tether ball, basketball, volleyball, ping-pong, air hockey a giant water slide (my kids were mad at me because I wouldn't let them go) and so much more.

Elizabeth loved the tire swing. She also loved putting rocks in her mouth the whole time! It was a constant battle to keep them out!

You would think with two extra seats we would've had plenty of room in the van. Let's just say the only floor you could see was where Matt and I put our feet. Good thing the kids are young enough not to complain about leg room. It took me awhile to get used to not being able to see out the back window. (Next time we'll bring a luggage carrier)

This is the cabin we stayed in- Ephesus was the name. All the cabins had Bible names and used to be train cars. We planned on staying in a tent and packed for it, but when we saw how nice the cabins were- heat and electricity, we opted for the cabin. Caleb cried- he wanted to sleep in a tent.

Caleb, Kayden and Samantha playing together. The boys loved playing with my cousins Lyndsey and Kelsey from Las Vegas. They spoiled them with all their attention. When we got home Kayden kept calling Elizabeth Lyndsey- I think he was having withdrawals.

Daddy teaching Elizabeth how to play tether ball.

When we go to Oregon, the really young kids get to bathe in the kitchen sink. The only other option is a shower. This kitchen was incredible. It was huge and included a restaurant style dishwasher. Conner and Elizabeth had a blast splashing each other during their baths.


By watching Mom and Dad play chess a couple of times Caleb has quickly picked up on the game. Grandpa Hayes came over one day and Caleb was so excited when Grandpa said he'd play chess with him. The Treehouse Museum in Ogden has a giant chess board and Caleb loves to play there too. Even Kayden wants to play. I asked Kayden to hand me the horse and he said, "It's a knight mom". My bad. Who knew my 3 year old knew all the correct names of the chess pieces?