Friday, September 11, 2009

The Crayon

So the other day my sister Elisa and I are driving with our kids in my van. Samantha, my 3 year old niece, informs me that Kayden is picking his nose. So tell me something new. He keeps doing it. Finally Elisa says that she thinks he put a crayon up his nose. Hmmm. So we get home and sure enough there's a crayon stuck up his nose. I tried to get him to blow it out and it wouldn't budge. I got tweezers and they just pushed the crayon up even more. At this point Kayden finally has realized that maybe he should be a little panicked. I'm thinking, great, another ER visit for Kayden. Last time being when he ate all the drugs out of the first aid kit. I decide to have him try to blow one more time. Of all the colors, a green crayon came shooting out. Yeah! No visit to the doctor.