Monday, October 12, 2009

Small and Simple Things

The last few minutes before we walk out the door for church usually involve yelling and fighting to get everyone to "hurry up and get in the van or we're going to be late". This last Sunday was different. We were ready early and the kids just looked so cute and sweet in their church clothes that I had to capture the moment. I knew it would be a rare moment and had to appreciate it while I had it.


Jill Stones said...

I am so glad it is a rare moment for you too. Sundays are hard. Your little kiddos look so cute!! Hey how do you get free tickets to the punkin farm? Looks so fun! You such good parents.

Matt and Elisa said...

Your lucky it's only your kids you have to yell at on Sunday mornings. I usually have to yell at Matt to hurry! They really do look cute. Does it take forever to get Lizzy's hair curly??? :)